Thursday, September 5, 2013

Tammy's Story from People Like Us

The segment on Tammy from the documentary "People Like Us" was a very sad story but eye opening. I think the most shocking realization in her segment was that she walked eight miles to get to work. Lots of people don't even walk but a mile a day but Tammy did so that she could take care of her family. The part the I seemed less shocked about was the fact that one of her sons was completely embarrassed by his mother and where they lived. He also complained that his mother always wore her Burger King outfit around the house and even if they went out to eat. The reason why this does not seem so shocking to me is because most teenagers his age are usually embarrassed by their parents and even about where they live or what kind of car their parents drive.
And where do I think they are now? My positive way of thinking thinks that at least one or maybe even two of Tammy's sons received a high education and that Tammy herself may have decided to go to college to become a teacher. But to me, in a more realistic way, Tammy stayed in the trailer and continued to work at Burger King and unfortunately most of her children probably fell into her footsteps. It's hard to break out of the circle in which you were raised. And since Tammy's father was also lower class it only seems "natural" for Tammy to be in the lower class.

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