Monday, October 7, 2013

Too Much Too Little Money

My economic and social upbringing has majorly impacted my perceptions of college. I come from a family in which neither my parents nor grandparents received a college degree. Even though neither of my parents have a college degree they both attended community college after high school.  When my parents were around twenty three years of age my father decided to join the Air Force. When my dad was in the Air Force he continued taking college courses while my mom primarily stayed at home to take care of my sisters and I. After my dad left the Air Force he did not have the money to continue college so he got a job working on computers for 10 dollars an hour while my mother got a job working at my high school to help with the financials for the family. It took my father a few years in the computer industry to land a job that paid him a very good salary. Even though my parents took the roundabout way into finding a good job without college degrees they have always instilled in my sisters and I how important it was too go to college and get a good job.

Also I attended a private school in which there were a 100 percent of the students in my graduating class who went to college immediately after high school. Going to my high school has played a major role in my decision to go to go to college. Ever since freshman year of high school my teachers would always say things like, "we are going to construct this class to prepare you for college." So basically my school was always trying to give us the tools  needed to be successful and to promote us to go to college. 

I think that the biggest drawback about attending college was the fact the my family does not necessarily have to money to send me to college. My parents didn't have the money while I was growing up to put money aside for my sisters and I to go to college. And unfortunately according to the government organization FASFA my dad makes far too much money for me to receive any exponential amount of money in grants. So on a financial side college may have not been in the cards for me but my high school and family upbringings had more of an influence on me to attend college anyways. There for most of my college tuition is paid through loans. And hopefully I will graduate from college and get a good job so that I have money to pay off my student loans.

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